The Bards are back in town

The Bards are back in town

 After many days of wandering across the country and a nice long rest these bards are settled into our new home and are hard at work in the new studio.

We are so incredibly grateful to everyone who has supported us so far and can't wait to continue on our journey in this amazing community.

A few updates:  

  •  We just launched our 1st official drop in the new store!!! Drops will happen every 2 weeks, were really excited to try something new with the way our shop works.
  • 2 new wearables are in the works, Murdos is hard at work finishing the models to prepare for molds and initial test castings.
  • Tennie is starting initial development for a really exciting external stim toy.
  • We added a new member to our family! Lilith a chaotic ball of wild kitten energy (pictured above during a rare moment of calm)

We are both very excited to be back to making toys again!!

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